We aim to establish a clear organisational framework free from bureaucracy and ambiguity. Considering our current phase, we prioritise flexibility. Over time, this framework will adapt, facilitating efficient programme expansion. We endorse the principle of delegating and entrusting decision-making.


Seniority and Role represent the two key elements of the Ambassador Program.

The Ambassador Program structure

Lead Ambassadors and Ambassadors concentrate on specific functional area guilds. Each functional area guild designates a Lead Ambassador to coordinate all tasks in its Ambassador guild. Additionally, Ambassadors collaborate with Lead Ambassadors in determining goals and success measurements for each functional area guild.

Functional areas:

Functional areas guilds address distinct topics targeting worldwide distribution and/or impact. These guilds currently encompass governance, support & engineering, onboarding, and engagement.

Collaboration among functional area guilds remains vital to optimise efficiency, avoid redundancy in work/content across guilds, and establish a distributed global framework that aligns with a unified vision.

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Your level within the Ambassador Program determines your responsibilities and rewards. Please note the structure may change as the ecosystem develops