The goal of this document is to ensure 1-on-1s are productive and contribute to the growth of each and every individual. They should cover strategic, tactical, and personal goals.

Report Items


Big picture discussions about where are we headed, why are we prioritizing X over Y, etc. Should be 25-50% of 1:1 time.


Nuts and bolts discussions about execution, status, etc. Should be less than 25% of 1:1 time.


Feedback, questions, growing path. Should be 25-50% of 1:1 time.

Manager Items


Direct notes on what went wrong and right in the week prior. Feedback in either direction should try to be substantive and clear. Examples are important, but unpacking the explanation is everything.

Next Steps

Action Items

These are decisions that were made in this meeting that we need to move forward with and have completed by the next meeting.